Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (or Cosmetic Acupuncture) is a virtually painless, non-surgical method of reducing acne and the signs of aging while helping skin regain it's youthful glow. The treatment involves the insertion of very small, thin needles into prescribed areas of primarily the face and ears, but also to the rest of the body. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a whole-body approach to wellness as individualized points are chosen according to each patient's needs to help support skin health and elasticity while simultaneously treating the underlying factors that contribute to imbalance and aging.
The first visit is 75 minutes, to allow for initial intake, and all additional visits are 60 minutes.
A course of treatment is 10 to 12 sessions with one session performed 1-2 times a week for 5-10 weeks.
The procedure can take take additional sessions in patients that smoke or have sun damage. Individuals respond differently depending upon their constitution, age, and lifestyle. Visible results can often be seen after one or two treatments and will be consistent after 6 to 7 sessions. Once the procedure is completed, the changes and improvements may last up to 5 years.
A maintenance program of one treatment every three to six months is strongly encouraged to sustain results (time frame depends on skin quality).
All Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatments include a facial and body acupuncture treatment as well as a relaxing facial massage and jade rolling treatment.
Discuss how nutrition affects your skin as well as which skincare and cosmetics products are best for your skin type with a Skin Health Consultation. Receive customized dietary counseling as well as product recommendations. (This service may be covered by insurance.)
Initial Facial Rejuvenation Session - $160
Follow Up Facial Rejuvenation Session - $135
Skin Health Nutritional, Cosmetics, and Skincare Consultation - $200
Add-on Mini Herbal Facial - $30
Add-on Facial Gua Sha Treatment - $30
Add-on Herbal Blemish Control Spot Treatment - $20
Add-on Eye Renewal Treatment (for dark circles, puffiness, and fatigue) - $20
Facial Rejuvenation Package - $1250. Includes 10 facial rejuvenation sessions with facial massage, gua sha treatment, jade rolling treatment, and eye renewal OR blemish control treatment ($1875 Value).
Seasonal Rejuvenation Package - $500. Includes 4 facial rejuvenation sessions with facial massage, gua sha treatment, and jade rolling treatment for seasonal management ($765 Value).
* Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is typically not covered by insurance. These rates are for all services paid in full at time of visit by cash, check, or credit card.
Brook Schales, ND, PLLC | Naturopathic Family Physician